It also allowed Mac users to use seriously graphic intensive apps such as Windows only CAD applications for the first time. The last major update to Parallels was in Parallels 15 which was a big step-up from previous versions of Parallels because it finally supported DirectX 11 and Apple Metal API which allowed Mac users to play Windows only games such as FIFA, Age of Empires and Fallout. We think it’s by far the most convenient way to get Windows on your Mac because it’s incredibly easy to setup, launches Windows apps or games quickly and allows you to switch between macOS and Windows instantly. Not only this but you can run just about any other operating system in it such as Linux and Android on it which allows you to play games such as Among Us which aren’t available for Mac. You can even copy and paste files and documents between macOS and Windows as if they were one operating system. In fact, it can run over 200,000 Windows only apps on a Mac according to Parallels. Parallels is a virtual environment that allows you to conveniently run all those Windows only applications and games that don’t run on Mac.