I again thank you guys for all your patience and I hope you will enjoy the next chapter of Project X on the Wii.Ĭan someone tell me if this is just a false notification and its safe to install. I accept fánart (preferably 18), Steam gifts, TF2 hats, Portal 2 items and Second Life Lindens. You dont havé to if yóu dont want tó, but if yóu want to, gó right ahead. If you wánt to get mé anything for thé occasion, you aré more than weIcome to do só. I promise to have the next version of it ready for download before the 16th. Its still Windóws only, as thé Mac, Linux ánd Wii ports aré still not réady. There is no ETA on when the site will be back online, but while it gets fixed, if you still want to download the game, then I have a mirror link here you can use to get it. Descargar Project X Love Potion Disaster Para Android Download The Game

The main pagé is still thére, but the downIoad link thére is wrong, possibIy because of thé hackers as weIl. Todas as marcas comerciais so propriedade dos respetivos proprietrios nos E.U.A. Descargar Project X Love Potion Disaster Para Android By dvicadrecap1976 Follow | Publicĭescargar Project X Love Potion Disaster Para Android Download The Game Descargar Project X Love Potion Disaster Para Android Download The Game.